Why a Logo is Important?
Have you ever taken a logo quiz? How often did you guess the right brand simply by its logo? For instance, brands like Tim Horton, McDo...
Once again, the Evening For Hospice has come and gone. This year marked the beginning of our 25th year of service within the community of Windsor and Essex county and what a party it was. But this is just the beginning. We are very excited about the many events that will be held to celebrate the birth of a new era in respite and palliative care and we are so proud to be one of the pioneers in North America. As a supporter of Hospice, your ad appeared on page 42 of the enclosed yearbook. This book will be distributed at each of the many events lined up for our 25th Anniversary Celebration and we are pleased to have you as an integral part of the festivities. We sincerely appreciate the fact you and your colleague agreed to underwrite our billboard. Without the support of organizations such as yours The Hospice of Windsor and Essex Conty could not continue to offer our services and programs without charge to those who have need of them. Thank you for being a part of our family